書名:Fat Dad, Fat Kid: One Father and Son’s Journey to Take Power Away from the "F-Word",語言:英文,ISBN:9781476792316,作者:Butler, Shay/ Butler, Gavin,出版日期:2015/12/29,類別:心靈養生

Fat Dad, Fat Kid: One Father and Son’s Journey to Take Power Away from the "F-Word"

商品分類:博客來, 外文書, 心靈養生, 心理分析, 心理分析總論


This weight-loss memoir from the father and son team of YouTube stars describe their long-time battle with being overweight and describe what they finally did to shed the pounds and regain their health. Original.
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Fat Dad, Fat Kid: One Father and Son’s Journey to Take Power Away from the "F-Word"

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